New Poll: Presidential Oath of Office Verbiage

seal-presidential-colorThere has been a lot of talk lately about the specific wording used in the Presidential Oath of Office that President-Elect Obama will recite on January 20th. A lawsuit was filed in an effort to prevent any mention of God in the traditional “so help me God” line of many swearings in. President-Elect Obama has filed an affidavit stating his preference to include the aforementioned phrase in his swearing in.

What are your thoughts? Vote in the poll in the left sidebar and comment with any additional thoughts on the subject.

Religulous Available Soon on DVD

So I finally saw Religulous while it was in theaters. Granted, I had to drive over 100 miles each way to see it, but every mile was worth it. I’m not a patient person, but I had no problem braving urban traffic in the rain knowing that I was going to see this film. My friend Megan was along for the ride, equally excited to see the film and equally angry that the film was not being shown anywhere in our state (it starts with “A” and ends with “labama”).

Like many of you, I am anxiously awaiting the release of the DVD, so that I may begin showing it to everyone who enters my home. I do this with another documentary as well that I won’t mention due to its political nature. However, I will say that I have opened a few eyes as a result of my screenings. I intend to do the same with this film. No concrete release date has been publicized at this time, but given the average turn-around time from screen to shelf, I’d say it has to be sometime fairly soon.

You can pre-order a copy of the DVD at Amazon at this time for $20.99. A cool feature that Amazon has is their Pre-Order Price Guarantee, which will refund you the difference in price if the price drops before it is actually released. You can also grab the Religulous cloud poster and toast poster if you want to decorate your room in a secular motif.

One last thing I wanted to share. I had copied this clipping (I don’t remember the source) from some time ago.

Bill Maher’s anti-religion documentary Religulous is on track to become the highest-grossing documentary of the year by next Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported today (Wednesday). The film had already grossed more than $7 million in its first ten days at just 568 theaters. Ironically, the film is due to displace Expelled, Ben Stein’s creationist documentary, which grossed $7.7 million during its domestic run earlier this year. (It opened at 1,052 theaters.) In reporting on the box-office success of the two films, the Times commented that it “just does to show that when it comes to religion and movies, the box office is agnostic.”

Not only is it fantastic that it performed so well in it’s first ten days of limited release, but I am happy to report that with a total box office earnings of $12,995,673, Religulous has well surpassed Expelled which capped at $7,499,617 (Source: Yahoo Movies).

Pre-Order Religulous Today!