Great Video Blog on Atheism

This is a great video that pretty much sums up my views on the perception of religion and atheism.

“I think it’s an act of supreme hubris to fill unanswered questions with a god we’ve created in our own image. To assume the world works on the same set of principles that we do is completely arrogant and intellectually weak.” – Micki Krimmel @

Reason to Be Ashamed of the South #23

Walk through the parted waters while following a pillar of fire, just like it never happened in the Bible.As if the Creation Museum didn’t do enough to brand America’s South as a religion-infested fundie haven, the proposed Bible Park USA near Murfreesboro, Tennessee will certainly sway those who have not taken sides.

This fun-filled attraction is currently pending approval by the Rutherford County Board of Commissioners. I can only hope the fun-loving gents and ladies of the board find it within themselves to deny the developer from moving forward with this travesty.

I sometimes question the need for such an attraction. With church camps and vacation bible schools to keep the kiddies in touch with Jeebus, would such a park even be relevant? Do parents realize that they are actively engaging their children in brainwashing activities? How many times must one hear about the parted waters, the pillar of fire, and the burning bush before they internalize it as steadfast truth?

Fundies oppose the presentation of evolution in a classroom because, if the children aren’t shown alternatives, they might accept it as absolute truth. Isn’t that what these people are doing by cramming the Christian belief system down their children’s throats from the earliest possible age?

As reported in the Murfreesboro Post, one of the county commissioners of Rutherford County who lives across from the proposed site said he’d rather have the theme park than 240 houses. Seriously? Think of the added traffic, noise, and local pollution said traffic will produce in your neighborhood. Balance that with the prospect of increased sales tax revenue, and see if you like the location now.

Either way, it’s not the location that bothers me, it’s the very existence of the park. Christians have more than enough things available to brainwash their kids without further muddying the reputation of the Bible Belt.

Fasting from MySpace

Although I’m not a big fan of MySpace, I check it pretty regularly for messages and such. I usually stick to Facebook, but I’ve got a few friends that aren’t on there. Well one of my “friends” had the following message posted for all to see.

Alright, so it’s time for me to fast MySpace again. I’ll be gone until God tells me it’s time to come back. Call or email me if you need me.

I would have sent the person a message, but who knows when God would have told them it was alright to check it. The thing that I don’t understand is why giving up access to MySpace was such a holy sacrifice. Why is MySpace evil, but email alright?

Alright. The guy made a sacrifice. He gave up the evils of a social networking site. Now what? What kind of arrogant person thinks that God actually cares about their MySpace usage? That’s what really makes me scratch my head. Was God going to come to them in a dream? Would His will be communicated through the clergy? Writing on the wall?

If it weren’t for the fact that I make it a point not to be confrontational with people’s psychotic religious beliefs, I would have called/emailed this guy and tried to get to the bottom of it all.

MySpace - A Place for Fundies